The Art of Making Memories (2019) by Meik Wiking feels thin despite its thickness (288 pages, but small format and lots of pictures). Its advice is reasonable, and is summarized in the chapter titles and the two page cartoon "The Memory Manifesto: 8 Ingredients for Happy Memories" on pps 14-15:
Nice enough, but largely obvious. Lots of personal anecdotes from the author's past. Overall, alas, not terribly memorable for a book devoted to making memories!
(cf GeoMemory (2001-05-17), Plastic Memory (2001-07-10), Medallic Memories (2004-08-22), Fond Memories Remain (2008-11-25), Magazine Memories (2012-12-17), Thinking, Fast and Slow (2013-10-24), Mantra - Good Moments and Good Memories (2015-08-09), ...) - ^z - 2024-01-17